How To Calculate Foam Bladder Tank Capacity?

Dec 3, 2024 | news

A foam bladder tank is an essential piece of equipment used in firefighting systems to store foam concentrate for fire suppression. To ensure it functions effectively, it’s important to calculate the correct tank capacity.

Determine the Required Flow Rate

The first step in calculating the foam bladder tank capacity is determining the required flow rate. This depends on several factors, such as the size of the area to be protected, the fire risk, and the type of fire hazard. Flow rate is typically measured in gallons per minute (GPM) and indicates how much foam concentrate is needed to effectively suppress a fire.

Area SizeLarger areas typically need higher flow rates.
Fire RiskHigh-risk areas may require higher foam flow.
Fire TypeDifferent fires (chemical, electrical) may need specific foam types.

Determine the Foam Concentrate Concentration

The next step is to identify the required foam concentrate concentration. The concentration depends on the foam type and the specific fire hazard. The concentration is often measured in percentage terms, such as 3%, 6%, or 1%. A 3% concentration means 3% foam concentrate and 97% water will be mixed for fire suppression.

For example:

  • 3% Foam Concentrate: For flammable liquid fires.
  • 6% Foam Concentrate: For certain high-risk fires, like those involving polar solvents.

This concentration will help you calculate the exact volume of foam concentrate required.

Foam Bladder Tank

Calculate the Foam Concentrate Volume

To calculate the required volume of foam concentrate, multiply the flow rate by the foam concentrate concentration. The formula is:

Required Foam Concentrate Volume (GPM) = Flow Rate (GPM) × Concentration (%)

For instance, if the flow rate is 150 GPM and the foam concentrate concentration is 3%, the calculation would be:

Required Foam Concentrate Volume = 150 GPM × 3% = 4.5 gallons per minute

This is the amount of foam concentrate needed to meet the flow rate and concentration requirements for the fire suppression system.

Determine the Foam Bladder Tank Capacity

Now that you know the foam concentrate volume, the next step is to calculate the foam bladder tank capacity. The capacity is determined by dividing the required foam concentrate volume by the foam concentrate’s density.

The formula is:

Foam Bladder Tank Capacity (Gallons) = Foam Concentrate Volume (GPM) ÷ Foam Concentrate Density (lbs/gal)

For example, if the foam concentrate density is 8.5 lbs/gal, and you need 4.5 gallons per minute, the required tank capacity would be:

Foam Bladder Tank Capacity = 4.5 GPM ÷ 8.5 lbs/gal = 53 gallons

Looking for Automatic Foam Bladder Tank?

If you’re looking for foam equipment or foam machine for sale, be sure to contact trusted suppliers to get the best products for your fire safety requirements. Automatic calculations and the right equipment will help ensure that your system is effective in case of an emergency.